In my opinion it's a demonstration of the fight to survive by culture and art, which is day by day more repressed and hit by the big systems of communication. I think that we are in a process which the civilization is trying to be cult and the big Capitalism system is deculturizing with big strings of bad ways to think and understand the world. I have a big question for the people in favour of the Capitalism: How the people can be interested in my work if I thought all the time creating it in the money I could earn? How much is affected my creativity by the capitalism? We have a problem, and it's the money. I know I don't have the solution for this problem, but we have to accept that we could try new ways...
Going back to the topic, it had been a fact which culturized all the friends which I invited to the exposition and they had lots of reflections after seeing the entire route... They were happy to think about abstract ideas which they never thought about...