Tuesday, 14 December 2010

What do you know about Human Rights?

0. Take the Quiz: do you know about rights?  My score was 12/41! Waugh! I didn’t think that I had this low level of knowledge in this area.

1. What are human rights? Human rights are the list of rights of the humans leaving aside the race, the sex, the sexual orientation, the hometown and political ideologies which protect the dignity and the life.

2. When did human rights start? The humans rights are a concept which had been in the history of humans, and it have been searched for all the people. The body who bring together all these rights was the UN, and it had been approved in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, on the 10th of December 1948.

3. Why were they created? They were created to solve the big troubles which causes the globalization, like slavery and social problems, and also to apply justice for all the humans.

4. How many human rights are there? It contains 30 articles of rights.
5. Which human right were you not familiar with? I think there aren’t any human rights that I’m not familiar with it, because all defend moral rights that I think they are necessary in the life to be in peace and in love. They aren’t a joke, for this I think that all of them are important.
6. Choose one human right and discuss:
- Watch the video of your human right 
- Is it fully respected in your country today? Justify with news, comments, studies on the subject (cite the links of your information sources)

The right of NO SLAVERY I think it’s one of the most important from the list, because nowadays we have big troubles with children who are slaves of industries from the first world who went to the third world to profit of their poor situation. Nowadays there are people forced to labour and prostitution, and they are slaves from the capitalism system. There are children depending from the industries and also the procuress is the owners of the rights of the people who sell their body for sex, taking a only view point of the first world...

- Do you know if it has been respected in the past? Why or why not?
I think that in the past the slavery was really normal, usually there were slaves for the fieldworks, and they lived in the worst conditions that we can think. There was a big progress when slavery becomes prohibited, but nowadays we have examples of slavery, and that’s for what we have to fight really hard.

-Where in the world is this right not complied with?
Check here
There were slaves in Sudan, in Togo (child slaves), in Burma (slaves of procuress), in Saudi Arabia...
It’s a sad situation that there are so many countries with these troubles...

7. Are Humans rights relevant in the world today?  why?
Of course! Human rights are essential in the life of a person to be happy, there is so much inequality in the world, we can’t control our wishes and if we can have more that what we need, we take it, without the consent of the people who need it to live. For this, we need a regulation which has to moderate this instinct.

Monday, 22 November 2010

Did the computers improve the world?

Computers had been evolving in the 20th century, but we have to accept that they made the big change in the 21st. It involved the biggest change in the evolution of humanity.
With the globalization , the computers arrived to the 21st century in the biggest concept which had to be: “A new world can be possible only with new ideas and new tools”, where the idea was the globalization and the new tools were computers.
We can’t deny that computers are the key to know all what’s happening around the world, and furthermore that’s essential for all the economic transfers, which had become the last benefit searched by all the population.
Internet, with computers, had become the most powerful way for knowledge. For example, I learnt to play the guitar with video tutorials on the Internet, and also I’m doing my Research Project on the Internet.
It has caused some problems on the population, like losing the healthy life that people had twenty years ago. They people who work with computers have optical problems and body problems. It also improved the bad communication between the population, because: if you can stay at home, why do you need to move to you friends house if you can speak with him on Internet? People become more isolated!
All in all, I think that computers can be a good tool with a correct use and also it helped a lot for the Human rights. I tell you that because two days ago I saw on News TV that young boys from Israel were uploading videos of the attacks from police to the population who were just expressing themselves, when the TV news had been censured and they couldn’t record these images. A new world has begun...

Jokes between friends

Sunday, 21 November 2010

About my dreams...

 I always thought about my future and dreamt about it, but I never was right. I don’t have clear ideas about my dreams, then I’ll tell you sure that I won’t say anything that I’m sure. I have lots of likes and dislikes but I can’t have sure decisions. I feel unable to choose a way for my future and that makes me feel unhappy with all that I’m studying now.  I always had abilities for art and music, but my parents “convinced” me to take another way for job. I think that they have an old mind. They are fifty and I’m the third soon, which makes me think they don’t have an opened mind.

In my dreams I think that I can contribute new ideologies and new ways to view this life, to change the Capitalism system (because I’m against it) and lots of other things which make stop the humanity development.  I think that I can do it through the paintings, but if my parents don’t allow me to study in a Fine Arts academy, I think I’ll waste these ideas.  I paint, I play in an orchestra and in a Rock-Metal group, which I really enjoy and I can show my different faces, and I know they are only hobbies, but I feel really different when I’m in front of a painting or another art work.  I can read things in the paintings and in the sculptures and I also think that I have a human feeling SO DEVELOPED. I can feel guilty for something that I didn’t do but I don’t help on it, and I won’t talk about the third world because I will start a philosophical debate. 

Lejus28 photo - Going to Pau-Palau

I think I won’t do any innovative thing and give ways to innovate and develop this society because I have a premonition and I never was the first in think in new things, and I’m sure that all what I said are only teenager’s thoughts which can change any moment, but now I don’t have any clear ideas and I don’t know nothing about my future and how I’ll give back my studies to the society which gave me it…

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Security in internet...

Two days ago, I had a discussion with my parents about the internet problems...

I started to paint pictures seven years ago, and I made my own studio in my house. If I have free time, I try to be painting, because I love paint and art! I also have my profile in internet of my pictures and I told them that I could try to sell pictures online. They started to argue that it wasn't secure, that internet chats can have pederastian users, and lots of things which weren't about the topic... Then I had an idea and I commented to my orchestra's mates if they knew anything about how to sell pictures. They told me that I could try to put my name down for the Picture fair of May. Every year the Casino Menestral from Figueres makes this fair and I thought that it could be a fantastic idea. I will have to get cracking and start to paint just starting the free time (Christmas holidays).

I started a new type of pictures. I'm having lots of ideas in the school when the teachers explain strange concepts like the Magnetism or the Matricial maths... then, my inspiration is scrubbing my mind and I have lots of ideas. I want to improve my technics and watch where is my own top. If I can transmit my ideas on the canvas, then I will be satisfied with my ownself, and then I will take encoraugement to fight for my Selectivitat's mark.

I'm in second of Batxillerat, and I'm doing lots of extractivities, but I won't give up!

PD:( do you like the link of my profile? :D)

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Debating on learning and creativity!

I thought that I could tell my opinion about how the creativity is omitted in the teaching system of nowadays, and then debate it with my friends [if they comment on it ;)].
I think that all the society has a big problem to innovate and think for the own decisions, and it has a reason which I think that’s right. The reason is that in our childhood, we learn to study and to think bye the same way, and that’s because the teaching system follows the same way: swot up and do the same like the teacher. We didn’t learn how to study for ourselves, because they taught us how to do it. If we made the homework with another way which wasn’t the teacher’s explanation, it wasn’t right. We had an imposition of the knowledge.
We didn’t find our creativity, and for it, we are suffering a monotonous life and work. We don’t try out with new ways to work, we follow a routine, and that’s what can make a stressing life. I know that’s so hard to relate directly the stress with the teaching system, but it can be logic.
Then, if we know that we have to change the way to teach, why is still here this problem? And I have only one answer: We don’t give any motivations for the youth and for it, they don’t want to try it!!

Do you think so?

(Video related with the topic...)

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Politics, lies, corruption... All in the same way, and in Spain:

The ELECTIONS are here!
Come and listen all what they say! The politicians, the best speakers of tongue twisters and the best jokes that you never heard! The best ways to waste your taxes in the minimum time and in the worse way! 

Come in and enjoy the show!

The politics had suffered a big change in the last 3.000 years... In the origin of the meaning of the word, politics refereed to most important position in the social scale, and it had reference to the way to act better for the population. They had to fight against the injustice and make better laws which could help all the population, included them and the rest of them. All what could help the population to evolve and become richer was good for all. They had to be specially raised and educated with strict rules of conduct to be good governors and make the best laws.

Ok, now go to the 21st century. Where we can take a point to start the comparison? I think it’s really difficult... Ok, I will start with another way: explaining what’s good in the actual politics (which is easier and it’s really short). 
The government administers the taxes of the country, and with it we can pay all the salaries of the government employee. Then, if there are more resources, they can pay new public structures and then the typical events of the towns... But remember, there is a big crisis. And what’s happening? The town councils can’t pay the events nowadays. And I think it’s going to be worse... And when for a few years, they cannot pay the public structures and the population will be paying double taxes, what will happen?
Ok, we found the problem, but, where is the cause? I’m sure that you had been thinking about it lots of times. And I’m sure that you could find some answers, but I will explain mine. The politics in Spain have a big problem, and it’s the corruption in the power. When the political party becomes the governor, there are lots of people who aren’t directly supporters of the party and have a direct position which depends on the party, for example the image advisor of the president, the writers of the speeches, etc. When all of this people (selected by the forefingers of the president and the ministers) are on the power of the politic party, and there are new elections, all of them fight for win, no matter what. Another thing which makes worse the politics is that there is an only vote and then, the parties can join with other parties, and you don’t have any type of control in your vote.

We are in democracy! ENJOY IT! ;)

Sunday, 14 November 2010

About the Oral Presentation...

First of all, I have to say that we could tell another better joke. It was really bad... :P
The type of tool which helped us to explain -the video- forced us to be quick and we had a problem which had been solved in the same time explaining less things which we had to explain. Also there was a lot of videos and we hadn't speak a lot... but I think it was OK to get the humour in the class which we wanted to explain with our words...
I think it was right the level of the words, because we didn't use lots of words that people didn't understand and it also wasn't an ordinary vocabulary. I think that most of words were pronounced right and the speed and the tone of the voice was a bit nervous but not bad. I think that I was really nervous and I had problems with the body language.
The structure of the work was right, it could be more strict, but I think that it hasn't lots of problems, because first of all we presented the Humour, then we mentioned the types and finally we focused on the one which we were really interested: the Parody films. We showed the evolution because we thought that it was interesting to see how it evolved through the years...
Finally I think that our marke had to be a 7 on a 10, we made some mistakes that could be improved...

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Talking about humour...

Doing an oral presentation about humour with my friend Melissa:

Talking about Humour... - kewego
A presentation about types of humour and their uses ways...

Friday, 15 October 2010

The 3rd Route of Art in Castelló d’Empúries:

Last weekend had been the 3rd Route in the streets of Castelló d'Empúries, a calmly village from the province of Girona. It consists in a period of time (this year had been 4 days) when the old houses of the village open the doors to exhibit the pictures made by artists from the country. There had been invited some artists from Madrid, and it had been recognized in an international level. The organizer was the painter and teacher of painting Anna M Constanseu, and there were 72 artists around the village.

In my opinion it's a demonstration of the fight to survive by culture and art, which is day by day more repressed and hit by the big systems of communication. I think that we are in a process which the civilization is trying to be cult and the big Capitalism system is deculturizing with big strings of bad ways to think and understand the world. I have a big question for the people in favour of the Capitalism: How the people can be interested in my work if I thought all the time creating it in the money I could earn? How much is affected my creativity by the capitalism? We have a problem, and it's the money. I know I don't have the solution for this problem, but we have to accept that we could try new ways...
Going back to the topic, it had been a fact which culturized all the friends which I invited to the exposition and they had lots of reflections after seeing the entire route... They were happy to think about abstract ideas which they never thought about...

Monday, 11 October 2010

Walking through the flooded streets of Hungary...

Hungary declared a state of emergency in three counties for a toxic sludge flood from a alumina plant, and it could be possible that it would be deliberated. The government is investigating in the case and also had sent the army to disinfect the area.As Ronald Kandall says (a famous toxicologist), it’s immediately toxic, and it can burn your skin and your eyes taking about ten seconds. It also can kill plants, animals and things in the water. There died 4 persons, 6 were missed and also 120 were injured.

One thing which makes me think about how we are defenceless about the new technologies and how we are using them under no control. We would have to investigate more about the problems which can cause them, before the excessive consume of it.
I know it’s not the most important, because the real problem is met behind the controllers of the plant, the security system and the construction of this plant, but if then they say us that it could be a terrorist attack and they couldn’t stop it, then the people leave the idea of accuse the government.
I think it could be another terrorist attack, but I support the idea that the installations were in bad conditions and also the security patrol wasn’t enough. For this they said that it was a terrorist attack, because it was more than potential harm for the town and they weren’t able to accept the consequences.
It was a unexpected flood of toxic sludge and it doesn’t take long time to demonstrate a response, then we can see now the consequences and it’s a big catastrophe. To make an idea, we could be one night sleeping in our house and wake up involved with a liquid like lye, which can kill us in about 10 seconds if we are all involved of it. It’s incredible that the politicians didn’t act against it before it happened!
I think there’s a dirty game with lot of money which the governors and the powerful managers are playing with the moral principles about how to earn the maximum profit and minimal conditions for the town. When it get out of control, we can have a demonstration of that...


Friday, 10 September 2010

The Oil Spill Catastrophe give food for thought...

The company BP investigated the fail of the Oil Spill into the Gulf of Louisiana and they discovered that the problem was caused for a consecutive fails between the workers and the machinery of the platform.

I think that they are playing the “Capitalism Game”, which consists in earn money easy and stop worrying about the damages which are affecting the life of the others.
Normally, the powerful people don’t think about the collective good, and they usually pretend to get more power. But the gist of it is in showing to the others how much you are powerful, for this; sometimes we can see a celebrity helping hungry children in the Third World… Summering, what I want to tell you with this argument is that the Capitalism System had make a big hole into our self and it’s bringing us to the defeat of being humans. The most clearly example is the news which I summarized before: the businessmen of the BP Company are doing lots of investigations and recreations of the act which could cause the catastrophe paying hundreds of dollars instead of solving it and become more humans…