Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Politics, lies, corruption... All in the same way, and in Spain:

The ELECTIONS are here!
Come and listen all what they say! The politicians, the best speakers of tongue twisters and the best jokes that you never heard! The best ways to waste your taxes in the minimum time and in the worse way! 

Come in and enjoy the show!

The politics had suffered a big change in the last 3.000 years... In the origin of the meaning of the word, politics refereed to most important position in the social scale, and it had reference to the way to act better for the population. They had to fight against the injustice and make better laws which could help all the population, included them and the rest of them. All what could help the population to evolve and become richer was good for all. They had to be specially raised and educated with strict rules of conduct to be good governors and make the best laws.

Ok, now go to the 21st century. Where we can take a point to start the comparison? I think it’s really difficult... Ok, I will start with another way: explaining what’s good in the actual politics (which is easier and it’s really short). 
The government administers the taxes of the country, and with it we can pay all the salaries of the government employee. Then, if there are more resources, they can pay new public structures and then the typical events of the towns... But remember, there is a big crisis. And what’s happening? The town councils can’t pay the events nowadays. And I think it’s going to be worse... And when for a few years, they cannot pay the public structures and the population will be paying double taxes, what will happen?
Ok, we found the problem, but, where is the cause? I’m sure that you had been thinking about it lots of times. And I’m sure that you could find some answers, but I will explain mine. The politics in Spain have a big problem, and it’s the corruption in the power. When the political party becomes the governor, there are lots of people who aren’t directly supporters of the party and have a direct position which depends on the party, for example the image advisor of the president, the writers of the speeches, etc. When all of this people (selected by the forefingers of the president and the ministers) are on the power of the politic party, and there are new elections, all of them fight for win, no matter what. Another thing which makes worse the politics is that there is an only vote and then, the parties can join with other parties, and you don’t have any type of control in your vote.

We are in democracy! ENJOY IT! ;)


Pep C.J said...

I think that the most sad in this post is simple, all of your words are true. So we are a stupid if we will continue permit this conduct. We must express our opinions, our points of view and the most important, find a useful solution. But obviously this is the task of our generation so if you want we can begin tomorrow in the philosophic class XD. I'm sure that our teacher will be agree with us.
I love the style that you use in the begin like a circus show! Good criticism. O my friend you will be an important philosopher.


AleixS said...

I think you are right! And I'm sure that we'll have lots of problems to solve all the problems and the prejudices left by the present governors. Only watch what they say to win more votes: They will give money to the NoNo's!
(No working-No studying) I laugh a lot, but it hurts me also... We have to change the world, my friend!

Melissa said...

I really think that the world is on a complicated state, all is surrounded of lies, corruptions, mistakes, fails...Not only a concrete country, fast all the world is flooded in crap, and we are very fare from the solutions.
First of all the people must change his ways of think,in all the ways,and then they pherhaps can choose a god Political, but we must Know that an political is like us, is a human that can commit errors and fails because he or her is not perfect. But I like your opinion Aleix, and I think that you're right because they abuse of his power and used it in a bad way, only for their desires and corrupted things for win money.
About the politics we can being talking a lot because is one of the worst things that we can find today in our society, it must change a lot. And the democracy, It really don't exist!