Wednesday 17 November 2010

Debating on learning and creativity!

I thought that I could tell my opinion about how the creativity is omitted in the teaching system of nowadays, and then debate it with my friends [if they comment on it ;)].
I think that all the society has a big problem to innovate and think for the own decisions, and it has a reason which I think that’s right. The reason is that in our childhood, we learn to study and to think bye the same way, and that’s because the teaching system follows the same way: swot up and do the same like the teacher. We didn’t learn how to study for ourselves, because they taught us how to do it. If we made the homework with another way which wasn’t the teacher’s explanation, it wasn’t right. We had an imposition of the knowledge.
We didn’t find our creativity, and for it, we are suffering a monotonous life and work. We don’t try out with new ways to work, we follow a routine, and that’s what can make a stressing life. I know that’s so hard to relate directly the stress with the teaching system, but it can be logic.
Then, if we know that we have to change the way to teach, why is still here this problem? And I have only one answer: We don’t give any motivations for the youth and for it, they don’t want to try it!!

Do you think so?

(Video related with the topic...)


Pep C.J said...

Hi my beloved philosopher XD.
I think that this issue is one of the most interesting that we can discuss with our friends. I would like to show you my point of view in this problem, personally i think that the problem in our country is the support that we receive of government: NOTHING, when the teenagers that don't work and always have a bad conduct get a salary.
On the other hand I think that your idea of creative is very correct but you must accept that in a class of 30 students you can't cheek all maths problems, so maybe the problem is the number of the students in classes.
Finally I think that new technology will help the future students, like interactive class … Perhaps we will study in online university, I think the online university is very good option for students who want to do some different activities which need a lot of time. Good topic Serra!!!

Miquel said...

Hi Serra!!! I was looking your blog and I saw that the comment that I write yesterday wasn't here. =( Maybe your blog hates me!
Well I will try to repeat the comment.
I think that this idea to do a debate with the friends of our class is a very good idea. The topic what you choose is very interesting because have a lot of influence in our lifes. In my opinion our current education are creating idiots students. I think that this is because the idiots students will be more easy to manipulate. Seeing this, it is natural that politicians increasingly deteriorate our education.

Pep C.J said...

Oooo XO!!!
I have one more thesis, the politicians are more stupids than we and this is the reason of this poor system of education. In my opinion I think that nobody help us so we must continue with our life independently of this corrupts and stupids governments.
"I proclaim that might is right, and justice, the interest of the stronger." PLATO

AleixS said...

I share your opinion, boys, but we have to accept that our studying life will be controlled by the actual politicians... We have a hard future, we know, but take it with peace and happiness (lol, it sounds really hippy), cheer up! We are younger than them and we have more forces... We'll rebel the world!

claudia. said...

All we know Spain is a crap and it will be so difficult to make up this country, at least there is some kind of revolution, because this democracy is about to fall into pieces. But that's what happens if we live in a country of morons, politicians just reflect the majority of the society.

Gisela Espigulé said...

Come on Guys (and Claudia ;))!
I think you are too much pessimists, don't you!

Maybe, it's true that the politicians has let the education goes like it does. But, do you really think that's a political problem?

In my opinion, the politicians depends on the capitalism system, in other words, who can manage the people are few, and they are who have the power.

The capitalism system is which has involved us in the globalizated world. We are all manipulated by the advertisments we see everywhere and which are from the biggest companies in the world.

In my opinion, that's the reason of our passive actitude in front of the creativity and of the knowledge.

Anyway, I agree with you that politicians do not work well in the way of the education.

To sum up I would like to say that I find this topic really interesting!