It's said that USA controls all the political movements and I think that we could think a bit more about it. USA has a huge military bases arround the world. Why they couldn't be controlling these revolutions to get the power of these countries or just trying to appear in the mind of the next politicians of these countries?
I just reflected about situations which can appear random facts and they could be just the opposite. We know that the american dream is start in a bellboy job and finish being a businessman (NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!), and I ask now: isn't it the same slogan which the revolutionaries are using?

It made me think that I wasn't really wrong. Other governors wanted these revolutions and it didn't arouse suspicion at the moment, but when we could observe that lots of revolutions started to grow up like mushrooms, it smelled really bad...
This revolution was vry important for the freedom of the people of Egypt and was necessary for the country.
This revolution was successful thanks the social networks like facebook. It was driven for the young people because they wanted a change in the politics of his country,
For this reason I think that the young people is very important for the development of a country.
Good reflection Aleix. I thought about the slogan or motto "Nothing is Impossible". As you said, the impossible dreams of the American teenagers are really absurd, like the soldiers in the battles that do the "impossible" to get what they want, through violence and conflict, the only way they can do.
As you said, it is also true that the bad economic situation the world is the fault of the United States, and we know that they have the power to change it, but we can´t hope that they will do it, because those who did it, at his time they benefited from it, and are still taking advantage from this.
On ly that we can say, is that we are on they hands, and we must pray that the situation does not worsen.
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