Saturday, 21 May 2011

My English COMPETENCE in 2010

I chose these two evidences because I think that they tell what's about my personal character, what interests me, and how I defend it in front of people.
There are lots of evidences which make increase my level of English, but I chose this oral presentation because it's what I feel! It's just what interests me, and also the presentation it's a real evidence about how I defend myself in English (I didn't prepared for a long time... I think that I have been working on it 20 minutes...).
Then, the writing evidence is just what I think about life, how I can face up the aims that I put, and also it's just a bit of reflection which helped me to increase my own level of love to the world...
I think it's one of the few posts that I didn't talked about the society's problems, the government corruption and the values lost on humanity... for this, I think it's nice to choose this one! ;D

I'm proud of the work that I got in this year... Thanks to all of us to read my posts!
See you soon!! :P

My English progress from 2008-2010

First of all, the maturity of the text has improved. I'm sure of that because the ideas become more structured and all the points are concise. For example, in the first composition I said: “I always thought about my future and dreamt about it, but I never was right. I don’t have clear ideas about my dreams, then I’ll tell you sure that I won’t say anything that I’m sure.
There we can remark that the ideas are mixed, that there is no clear expression or just a point which I could say assure... (of course the topic was also a bit confused)
Then, in the last composition I want to remark the structure that I followed: 4 paragraphs and an idea for each paragraph. Also, we can see that the idea is concise and clear: “I am a student from London who has been alarmed with all the problems related with the nuclear power station in Japan because I have som friends on Tokyo (near the crash).”

The first composition that I did was in help of the dictionary WordReference, the last composition was with no help! There are lots of words which I learned and I started to use in fluency and variety. Then I have to accept that there is a big work back of the posts, and the work day by day is just the key to get all this knowledge!

And all what I can say about the differences between my first and my last oral presentation is that in the first, I didn't work hard! (or only I worked in the visual part...) because the text was really poor... but there was a point of humour, and it was difficult to face up! It's a type of oral presentation which I never worked on...
I'm sure that it liked to the class, but it didn't improved our language... The structure is OK... But I have to recognize that the fluency wasn't really worked.
In the last composition I had to explain a topic that I was really familiar, and I knew about it from the first to the last piece of the Research project... For this I used lots of words that I had in mind for working on the programme Blender, and the fluency was all right... I think that it went better than what I expected!

In a personal opinion, I say that it's really good this work day by day, and also the facilities to give freedom to the student working in English on the topics that he choose! It's really appreciative! ;D

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

A letter to Mr Ritch.

12 Bat Avenue
11 April 2011
World Nuclear Association

Dear Mr Ritch,

I am a student from London who has been alarmed with all the problems related with the nuclear power station in Japan because I have som friends on Tokyo (near the crash).

Mye viewpoint about the nuclear power is pessimistic. I think we have to extinct this way to extract energy playing with nature. I would like to apply for the post of change it for an individual production of sun's energy.

I am writing in response to criticise the way they acted in the Japan's disaster. In my opinion, they had to act before, to get a better security rules and to take it seriously. They had to take it like their son was there! They h ad to know what was the essential for all these families and act in the best way...

Now we have to get it seriously, put serious rules which could think in any possibility and use it for a devate to extinct this power extracts.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Joan Pujol

Life, human life...

How beautiful is the tree, keeping time to the wind's rythm... How nice is the sky, showing its waves of clouds...

LIFE IS strange, beautiful... unpredictable, disappointing... hopeless, frenzied... spirited, long...
Life are appearences, mistakes, truth, fights, moments, places, thougths, victories...

Life changes... adolescent's life is more than just a life... are lifes. And now, we know everybody, we think in change ALL, in eat the world, in become bigger than other have been...

What's the world changing for it? Nothing... Just a matter of thoughts...
We need to think that we'll be an excellent person... but there is no need to get it!
Only we can put ourself aims.

But how strange is having to decide our future. We had to fight hard to get all what we have nowadays, and sure most of us will have to fight more and more to get the high aims that we fixed.
It's a strange moment in our life, because all the adults tell us, the youth, that we are in the prime of life! Hah! How nice is to know that from the 25's on in it will become worst... But we don't become exasperated! ;D

It isn't time to regret! It's time to success! And we know that we are on difficult days to feel well... but that's life!

I thought in Be or not to Be, I thought in become somebody, or in change anybody... I felt, and I had to raise again... 

LIFE IS good, life is bad, life is work, life is sad...

Now we know that the group that ever have been united, will separate... It's a pitty, or it's strange... It's more than a moment, it's more than a place...

My reflection doesn't try to get sorrow. It's time to know that there is  beam from sun, between the branches of the big tree that we feed day after day...
Just to support my generation to get forces, to become strong, because we'll have to fight hard!

Nobody assure a future work, nobody assure a comfortable life, nobody assure oure beam of light... BUT, if we don't see these beams, who will see it?

Just time to WAKE UP...

Monday, 16 May 2011

WHAT I think about my future...

In last months, teachers became to reflect their thinks about our future... About what we will have to face up and about the problems of this country.

I also want to make a reflection.
In Spain, the last year the number of unemployed persons have increased up.
The morality have been extinct in politics.
The world started a big revolution of oil war and news only only hide the real problems.
Society brings more stress to a person who has more hard the way to find work.


IT'S THE MOMENT, people! It's just the moment to say a thing:
- Respect us, the students. Just for the effort that we are doing seeing all this bad conditions and puting up with all of this. I just ask for a right! I want to study in a University with equality for the Professional formation studies and in equality from the boys that decided to start work in the 16.
I want a future, and for this I'm fighing now!

Why the government decided to increase up the taxes of University with their credits? Why I will have a bad quality of teachers?

Like the people shouted in the demonstrations in front of the University of Girona: "Where is the money of the real state company boom?!"

The world is changing, for worst...
It's a pitty because now we are just in a critic point which could change the population's mind... Now, regret the power we gave to the politicians and face up the problem...

Monday, 9 May 2011

What's about my project?!

A few months ago I talked about an escort group that we wanted to start in Castelló, do you remember?
I want to tell you how my viewpoint has changed!

We didn't know what were we doing in a firt moment, we were lost in the middle of a new lifestyle. We haven't been in a scourt group yet, and we didn't know the spirit of this fact!
What it means? That now we are going to be better persons. That now we'll know some values which will help us to face up the life, and that if we fall in the temptation of being scared by what we have to face, we will have to leave it appart!

The children want to know how to face also this life! We will be educators and we'll have to give the ways to act for these children! We'll see their face grow up, we'll see their mature way, and we'll see how our values gave to them will become a reality!

That's more than just a hobby! WE WILL BE important persons for their life, they will remember our advices, and we can change a bit more this society!
We have chosen the name of this group! It's named XOTS! (a little owl with yellow eyes and brown feather really cute! :D )

It's a little revolution in a big way to act!
Just happy to say that I'm proud to have choose this way! ;D

Friday, 6 May 2011

Professions which are dying...

A.:  Hi Mr. Willson. A few days ago we talked at school about professions which are dying out and I thought of you!. Can you explain me what the good old days of a shepherd were like, please?

Mr.: Yeah, of course! But first I want to tell you that you are an arrogant boy!. What do you mean with sheppering is dying out?!

A.: Aaah...

Mr.: Yeah, don't worry. In fact, you aren't wrong. The work is going worst from day to day. Afterwards, the industry is taking up all our benefits and nowadays we can't compete with these big factories!

A.: Yeah, but you are working on it yet. Why is that?

Mr.: Young boy... You don't know what life teaches you. When a person is old and all his life had been working on a job, he can't change it! Fate is written...

A.: Ahm... yeah...

Mr.: But don't think about it. I'm happy about my decision. Now I can feel the small facts on life whih make it more beautiful!

A.: Thanks for this reflection!
I hope that it will get better. See you!

Mr.: Come whenever you want! Door is open for you!

Monday, 2 May 2011

There's no place for the artist in this society!

Like you could realize it, I'm a painter, and if I you allow me to say that: I'm an artist. It's a noble adjective and I don't usually use it to describe myself... But why I say that? What's the point to stand out?

The artist always have been a person with a different mind of the population, with a strange way to watch the world which permits him/her to transmit the ideas which appear in his mind in a strange way but which usually helps to develop the culture of the country.
We are now in a big crisis, and it's not a crisis of economic values, it's a crisis of MORAL values!
The people make themselves comfortables, fall in the vacuum without thinking what's the best for themselves and take it easy: the flock says what to do...

There is no need to relate the art with the revolution of the human values, of the essence to be someone else ('cause I think that there is more than one person who wants to be one more of the flock) and become to feel real human feelings!

Art, for me, needs to be a way to feel, to act, to think, to meet troubles and to solve them, to comfort, to help, to open wounds and to close again... in general it's a way to EXPRESS!

With the crisis of nowadays the people don't think with this spirit, the people fall in the temptation to leave the thoughts appart and to watch the art like another way to make beautiful our places... in music it's just a way to keep busy the population... and THAT's what I'm against.

When you make a concert, you express yourself, you make to think other people what are you talking about! When you do a picture you are transmiting feelings, thoughts, solutions for a big trouble...
That's not necessary for a lazy government, they don't want people against them, they need stupid people following the flock and no more! The capitalism makes the rest...

From man to man, finishing my writing: We need to promote Culture to fight against the government!